Decision No. 114/2005/QD-TTg.

03:07, 25/07/2005

Under this Decision, issued on May 26, the Prime Minister has decided to establish Vietnam’s network of Notification Authorities and Enquiry Points on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), and promulgate the Regulation on organization and operation of this network.

Under this Decision, issued on May 26, the Prime Minister has decided to establish Vietnam ’s network of Notification Authorities and Enquiry Points on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), and promulgate the Regulation on organization and operation of this network.


The Regulation provides for the organization, operation and coordination mechanism of the network in order to perform fully and in time Vietnam’s obligations to notify and enquire into issues related to the implementation of the WTO’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (the TBT Agreement) when Vietnam officially becomes a member of this organization.


Regarding organization, the network is composed of:


-  The National Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (Vietnam’s TBT Office), set up at the General Department of Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control of the Ministry of Science and Technology under the Prime Minister’s decision;


-  Ministerial-level TBT Notification Authorities and Enquiry Points, located at the Ministries of Trade; Industry; Construction; Transport; Post and Telematics; Natural Resources and Environment; Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Health; Agriculture and Rural Development; Fisheries; and Culture and Information; and,


-  Provincial/municipal (local) TBT Notification Authorities and Enquiry Points, located at provincial/municipal Services of Science and Technology.


The Regulation also defines notification and enquiry tasks of the above-said organizations in the network as well as payrolls and working regimes of these organizations; responsibilities of state agencies managing the network and working relations among organizations in the network

(Source: Vietnam Law)