Policies on exporting and importing commodities

04:06, 20/06/2005

All exports and imports (including taxed and non-taxed goods) shall go through customs declaration. Customs declaration shall fully comprise details of features, quantity, weight, value, mode, quality and code of exports, imports. Exporters, importers shall fill and hand in the Customs declaration form issued by the General Department of Customs.

A./ General regulations:


All exports and imports (including taxed and non-taxed goods) shall go through customs declaration. Customs declaration shall fully comprise details of features, quantity, weight, value, mode, quality and code of exports, imports. Exporters, importers shall fill and hand in the Customs declaration form issued by the General Department of Customs.


B./ Policies on imports and exports for commercial goods:


1./ Conditions required for export and import activities:


All of enterprises are able to import or export commodities suitable to sectors which are registered in their investment license if granted code of import-export activities.


* Note:


When preparing documents for registering tax code at the Custom office, enterprises should write clearly whether they do import-export business. So that Customs office will notify “ Certification of import-export code registration” in their Tax register Certificate.


2./ Policies on imported goods:


2.1/ Import documents:


- Customs declaration: 2 originals

- Contract: 01 copy

- Commercial invoice: 01 original

- Bill of lading: 01 copy



* Additional documents:


- Packing list (for non-uniform packaged goods): 01 original and 01 copy.

- Import license (for goods in the list which are not allowed to import or re allowed to import under certain conditions): 01 copy.

- Certificate of origin (C/O): 01 original.

- Quality testing registration form: 01 origin

- Import authorized contract (for authorized entity to import): 01 original.

- Import quota (to commodities applied to duty quota)


2.2/ Tariff schedule:


Tariff schedule of the Vietnam used in classification of commodity can be found at the website of the Dong Nai Customs Department.

     Website: http.//www.dongnai.gov.vn/customs


2.3/ Limit for duty payment:


a. Procedure for commercial imports:

For imported goods used to trade or manufacture products for sell in Vietnam ’s market, time limit for payment is as follows:

   + 30 days since the day of registering customs declaration

   + Duty shall be paid just before goods going through customs clearance applied to consumer goods (declared by the Ministry of Trade). If there is a guarantee of bank, time to pay duty would be 30 days.


* Note:


If imported consumer goods are materials directly used for manufacturing products for domestic consumption, time to pay tax would be 30 days. If imported consumer goods are materials for production of exports, time to pay tax would be 275 days.


b. Procedure for goods of processing contract (duty exemption):


90 days after the termination of the processing deal contract, the company shall liquidate the contract with the Customs Office. To processing deal contract with duration of over 1 year, the contract shall be separated from annex contract and the time for each annex shall not exceed 1 year.


c. Procedure for material imported for the production of export goods.


Enterprises are allowed to owe tax within 275 days starting from the date of customs registed. Exceeding 275 days, the import duty shall be paid and then the import duty will be refunded corresponding with the raw material which have been manufactured into export products.


d. Procedure for temporarily exported and temporarily imported goods:


Foreign invested enterprises are allowed to import temporarily-reexport in the following cases:

Temporary import-reexport of construction equipments to implement projects.

Temporary import-reexport of equipments for repairment.

Temporary import-reexport  of imported commodities which are not suitable to the import contract.

Temporary import-reexport of exported commodities which are not suitable to the export contract.

Temporary export-reimport or temporary import-reexport of packing or accessories which are not parts of products but transit many times under the import-export contract.


2.4/ Goods with prohibitions, controls and restrictions in the 2001-2005 period


a. List of prohibited imports:




Weapons, ammunitions, explosive materials, military equipment and tools


Narcotics of all kinds


Toxic chemicals


Pornographic materials having negative effects on personality development, social order and security


All kinds of firecracker


Cigarettes, cigars, and other tobacco products


Used consumer goods


Vehicles with right-handed steering wheel


Second-hand materials and vehicles in regulated list


Products, materials comprising amilang belong to amphibole group Amianthus


Special-used code and machinery, and confidential code software programmes used for protecting national secrets


b. List of goods subject to specialized management can be looked up at the Website of Dong Nai Department of Customs: http://www.dongnai.gov.vn/customs


3. Policies on exported goods:


3.1. Export documents:

- Export Declaration: 02 originals

- Purchasing Contract: 01 copy


* Additional documents:


- Commercial invoice (levied goods): 01 original

- Packing list (for not uniform packaged goods): 02 originals

- Export permit (prohibited or conditioned exports): 01 original.

- Export authorized contract (for export authorized entity): 01 copy


3.2. Goods banned from export in the 2001-2005 period




Weapons, ammunitions, explosive materials, military equipment and tools


Narcotics of all kinds




Toxic chemicals


Logs, sawn made of domestic timber; firewood, charcoal made of natural forests


Species of wild animal and endangered species of fauna and flora


Special-used code and machinery, and confidential code software programmes used for protecting national secrets


C./ Policies on exports and imports with non-commercial goods (non-merchant)


1. Policies on non-commercial goods imports and exports


- Non-commercial imported goods, exported goods should not be in the list of prohibited imports and exports, and not be among conditioned imports/exports which are above mentioned in point 6, part I, and point 2,3 part II, item B.

- Non-merchant tax-levied goods should be taxed before customs clearance.


2. The Government stipulating the duty-free luggages limit applicable to passengers


a. The list of duty free luggages limits shall apply as follow:





Liquor, alcoholic beverage:



- Liquor with an alcoholic strength of 200 above

1.5 litres


- Liquor with an alcoholic strength of 200 below

2 litres


- Alcoholic beverage, beer

3 litres





- Cigarettes

400 nos


- Cigars

100 nos


- Raw tobacco

500 gram


Tea, coffee:



- Tea

5 kg


- Coffee

3 kg


Clothes and personal belongings

Depending on the purpose of the trips


Other items apart from item 1,2,3,4 in this table (not falling under the list of prohibited imports, of conditioned imports)

Total value is under VND 5 millions


* Children under 18 are not allowed to enjoy the above items:1,2,3.


Accompanied luggage (for personal use or for purpose of the trip) has to declared to the Customs in following cases:

- Luggages’ value exceeds limit valued at 300 USD

- Luggage sent before or after the trip

- Equipment temporarily imported-reexported, temporarily exported-reimported

- Addictive drugs

- Medicine exceeding USD 30 in value


Foreign currency exceeding USD 3,000 in value, or over VND 5,000,000 in cash; gold jewellery, gold fine article, gold material from 300gram to 1kg. Regarding gold bar, gold fine article, gold material weighting more than 1kg, permission to take them out of the country should be obtained from the State Bank (for those exiting the country) or should be deposited the excess amount at Customs warehouse (for those entering the country).

b. Declaration is the same as in the case of entry passengers. For the passengers on exit the country, there is no limit, however, to the level of accompanied luggage (except for items falling into the list of prohibited exports, of conditioned exports).


* Note:

Policy on import, export can be changed periodically, for more information, you are advised to look up the website of Dong Nai Department of Customs at:


 (Source: Dong Nai Peoples