The Decree, issued by the Government on April 19, details and guides the Law on Complaints and Denunciations and the Law Amending a Number of Articles of the Law on Complaints and Denunciations.
The Decree, issued by the Government on April 19, details and guides the Law on Complaints and Denunciations and the Law Amending a Number of Articles of the Law on Complaints and Denunciations.
It stipulates that state agencies shall process complaints for settlement when the following conditions are fully met:
- Complainants are those with legitimate rights and interests directly affected by administrative decisions or administrative acts they complain about;
- Complainants are those who have full act capacity; if complaints are lodged through representatives, such representatives must abide by the provisions of this Decree;
- Complainants make complaints and send them to competent settling agencies within the statute of limitations and time limit provided for by the Law on Complaints and Denunciations;
- Final settlement decisions are not issued yet for the complaints; and,
- Complaints have not yet been processed for settlement by courts.
This Decree replaces Decrees No. 67/1999/ND-CP of August 7, 1999 and No. 62/2002/ND-CP of June 14, 2002.
(Source: Vietnam Law)