Dong Nai faces shortage of Covid vaccine, medical workers

11:09, 02/09/2021

Dong Nai Provinces has asked the Government to dispatch more medical workers and allocate more Covid-19 vaccine doses to them to bring the pandemic under control as soon as possible.


Dong Nai Provinces has asked the Government to dispatch more medical workers and allocate more Covid-19 vaccine doses to them to bring the pandemic under control as soon as possible.

The province is mobilizing anti-virus forces to conduct mass Covid-19 testing and vaccination and lock down areas with new outbreaks of Covid-19 cases, while several field hospitals for Covid-19 treatment are being set up.

Nguyen Hong Linh, secretary of the Dong Nai Province Party Committee, told an online anti-virus meeting on August 31 that the province would continue to propose the Government allocate more Covid-19 vaccine so that the province can achieve herd immunity at the earliest possibility.

Dong Nai Province has reported over 23,700 Covid-19 infections in the latest coronavirus wave.

The province targets to isolate positive Covid-19 cases from the community by September 5 alongside vaccinating residents, Phap Luat Online reported.
