Electronic medical records applied at Long Khanh Hospital

07:02, 25/02/2020

(ĐN)- Long Khanh Regional General Hospital has been piloting to apply electronic health care records since August 2019.


Electronic medical records are being applied at Long Khanh General Hospital.

(ĐN)- Long Khanh Regional General Hospital has been piloting to apply electronic health care records since August 2019.

Accordingly, electronic medical records include information from old paper records and the signatures of people in charge of information accuracy.

The medical record is set to promptly, accurately provide health state of a person across time to doctors at different-level hospitals and save time and costs for patients.

The electronic medical record application aims to replace paper medical records with electronic ones in the coming time.

This is the fourth hospital nationwide and the first in the province to upgrade its system to apply the technology.

Reported by B.N