Over VND1 tril needed to complete new Dong Nai hospital

05:08, 12/08/2013


(ĐN)- Vice Chairwoman Phan Thi My Thanh of Dong Nai provincial People’s Committee has recently had a working session on the construction progress of new Dong Nai General Hospital.



(ĐN)- Vice Chairwoman Phan Thi My Thanh of Dong Nai provincial People’s Committee has recently had a working session on the construction progress of new Dong Nai General Hospital.

So far, over VND832 billion has been invested for the first phase of the project while the second phase also started in late last year. It’s estimated that around VND1,075 billion will be needed to complete the project. The new hospital will be put into full operation by the beginning of 2015 as scheduled.

Vice Chairwoman Thanh suggested related agencies, investors and contractors continue their efforts to ensure the progress and quality of the work.

Reported by P.L