Kindergartens and primary schools benefit from school dental program

04:08, 24/08/2013

(ĐN)- Dong Nai provincial Health Department on August 23 held a meeting to review the school dental program in the academic year 2012-2013.

(ĐN)- Dong Nai provincial Health Department on August 23 held a meeting to review the school dental program in the academic year 2012-2013.

presents certificates of merit to students
Presenting certificates of merit to individuals.

According to the report, the program has benefited 100% of the kindergartens and primary schools across the province.

Accordingly, 100% of the schools in the province have received dental care education and 23% of the pupils were given free dental examinations and treatment.

On this occasion, 20 individuals and collectives received certificates of merit from the Central Odonto-Maxillo-Facial Hospital and the provincial Health Department for their contributions to the program.

Reported by P.L