Dong Nai Power Co’s employees join blood donation

03:07, 20/07/2013

(ĐN)- On July 19, Dong Nai Power Company (DNPC)’s trade union and youth union in cooperation with Cho Ray Regional Blood Transfusion and Haematology Centre launched blood donation festival with the theme "Give a drop of blood, save a life".



Chương trình thu hút đông đảo cán bộ công nhân viên tham gia
DNPC's employees donate blood

(ĐN)- On July 19, Dong Nai Power Company (DNPC)’s trade union and youth union in cooperation with Cho Ray Regional Blood Transfusion and Haematology Centre launched blood donation festival with the theme "Give a drop of blood, save a life".

At the event, around 200 officials and employees of the company gave a total of nearly 200 units of blood.

This is one of annual social activities of DNPC to contribute to the society.

Reported by N.L