Dong Nai wins gold medal at int'l photo contest

10:07, 24/07/2023

(ĐN)- The organizers of the third HPS Elite International Photo Contest 2023, held by Hellenic Photographic Society – HPS in Greece, have announced the prizes for the contest.


(ĐN)- The organizers of the third HPS Elite International Photo Contest 2023, held by Hellenic Photographic Society – HPS in Greece, have announced the prizes for the contest.

The event drew the participation of 481 photographers from 57 countries and territories worldwide. They sent entries to the contest, which featured four sections of monochromatic, coloured photo, nature and press.

Accordingly, photographer Huu Thiet from Dong Nai excellently won the gold medal in monochromatic section for his work “The kid of pottery village”. He also got ISF e-Diploma for the work “Fire prevention drill” in press section.

Reported by M.N