Photo contest highlighting beauty of Vietnamese islands kicks off

11:08, 07/08/2022

Professional and amateur photographers across Vietnam are encouraged to compete in a photo contest highlighting the beauty of Vietnamese Hoang Sa and Truong Sa islands.

Professional and amateur photographers across Vietnam are encouraged to compete in a photo contest highlighting the beauty of Vietnamese Hoang Sa and Truong Sa islands.
The beauty of the country’s islands and seas is featured in a photo contest “Hoàng Sa - Trường Sa - Nhà giàn DK trong trái tim tôi” (Paracel and Spratly Archipelagos and DK Platforms in My Heart). (Photo: VNA)
The beauty of the country’s islands and seas is featured in a photo contest “Hoàng Sa - Trường Sa - Nhà giàn DK trong trái tim tôi” (Paracel and Spratly Archipelagos and DK Platforms in My Heart). (Photo: VNA)

The contest themed “Hoang Sa - Truong Sa - Nha gian DK trong trai tim toi” (Paracel and Spratly Archipelagos and DK Platforms in My Heart) is co-organised by the Vu A Dinh Scholarship Fund, the HCM City Photography Association, and the “For Hoang Sa - Truong Sa” Club.

According to the organisers, photos should feature the daily activities of people and soldiers in the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos and the DK platforms who are protecting the country’s sovereignty in the sea and islands.

The photos should also reflect the people’s love and gratitude for soldiers and people in the archipelagos and platforms.

Each contestant can submit up to two collections or 10 single photos in colour or black-and-while at by August 15.

Entries must be sent in a digital file in JPG format, with a maximum file size of 3 Megabytes and a resolution of 300dpi.

Contestants will be judged by Vietnamese photographers such as Nguyen Hong Nga, vice chairwoman of the city Photography Association, Nguyen Thanh Tam and Nguyen A.

The organisers will present a total of one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and five consolation prizes.

The winners will be announced on August 20.

The organisers will also select the 50 best photos for an exhibition at the Youth Cultural House in District 1 on August 25.

The Vuy A Dinh Scholarship Fund and the “For Hoang Sa - Truong Sa” Club also launched a writing contest on the potential and beauty of the sea and islands, the sacrifice of soldiers in protecting the country, and daily activities of fishermen.

Contestants can send their entries, short stories and poems, to the organisers via email by August 15./.