A leader's letter in time of Covid-19: Let's be kind to each other!

05:03, 30/03/2020

My MNC has announced WFH policy for all over 80,000 employees around the world in prevention of Covid-19.


My MNC has announced WFH policy for all over 80,000 employees around the world in prevention of Covid-19.

My global leader Marian Salzman sent a letter from the US on Mar. 24 saying that, she “checking in with our Global Comms leaders, and of moving the projects that matter most forward—all the while deeply aware of the importance of the work we need to do to ensure business continuity. Some deadlines are shifting as meetings are canceled or postponed.

With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics now Tokyo 2021, it’s clear that even the largest landmark events can’t be counted on to stay in place—adding yet another layer of uncertainty to lives already in upheaval. You may have heard that Papastratos donated ventilators to the Greek Ministry of Health? This is but one of many steps members of our PMI family are taking to assist communities in coping with the pandemic.”

Then she suggests prioritize things to do both at work and in life.  While everyone is encouraged to accomplish their duty with realistic (read: sane) deadlines, they also need to achieve work life balance. Marian reminds, “Please don’t feel obliged to plan or lead lengthy calls unless the issues and projects you are tackling have genuine urgency. Slow down on some of the “nice to do” projects; this will be a marathon versus a sprint, and all of you, all of us, need real breaks for your eyes and ears, brains and hearts. Be good to you as you juggle PMI responsibilities along with your own needs and those of the people you live with and care for.”

She also does not forget to share small but sincere advices like “practice social distancing, be kind, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available, stay hydrated, and keep your loved ones close, even if they are a screen (or 5 meters) away. And don’t forget to seek out positivity wherever you can find it.”

Marian thinks that this is the time for everyone to pass on their care and warm regards to each other. “A phone call, an email, a text or even a simple emoji can make a difference to the receiver”. That is true, since recently when I contact with my friends and family members to send my regards – everyone seems to be more appreciated than usual, so as I am.

“Do let me know how you’re doing. Please bear with my desire to be sure we’re all cool. No one should feel alone or isolated, just physically distanced”, Marian expresses. And she concludes: “If we have learned anything in these days of pandemic, it is the importance of facts and science, and of kindness. Now is the time to put aside our differences and work to support one another.”

Thoa Nguyen