Over VND3.4 bil raised to restore Tan Hiep Prison relic site

04:03, 12/03/2014


(ĐN)- Vice Chairman Nguyen Thanh Tri of the provincial People's Committee hosted a meeting on March 10 to discuss the implementation of Tan Hiep Prison relic site restoration project.



(ĐN)- Vice Chairman Nguyen Thanh Tri of the provincial People’s Committee hosted a meeting on March 10 to discuss the implementation of Tan Hiep Prison relic site restoration project.

Đài tưởng niệm tại di tích Nhà lao Tân Hiệp.  Ảnh: NGUYễN DIệU LINH
A memorial at Tan Hiep Prison relic site.


So far, more than VND3.4 billion has been raised from 21 organizations and enterprises to the project. Accordingly, the first phase of the project is scheduled to start by the end of March.

At the meeting, Vice Chairman suggested Dong Nai Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to continue its efforts to access to funds from national target program to complete the project on schedule  

Tan Hiep Prison relic site is recognized as national relic in 1994. This is the location of a historical insurrection of destroying the prison on 2nd December, 1956.

Reported by V.T