Dong Nai celebrates Viet Nam Sports Day

09:03, 22/03/2014

(ĐN)- A ceremony was organized last Friday to celebrate the 68th anniversary of Viet Nam Sports Day (March 27,1946 – March 27, 2014).

(ĐN)- A ceremony was organized last Friday to celebrate the 68th anniversary of Viet Nam Sports Day (March 27,1946 – March 27, 2014).

Speaking at the event, Deputy Director Hoang Ngoc Khoi of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism stressed that, in 2014, Dong Nai plans to select the best athletes for the incoming 7th National Sports Festival, which will be held in Nam Dinh province.

The sport sector will continue to upgrade material facilities and organize sport activities for local people, offer courses in ethics as well as more professional training for athletes.

Reported by H.A