VND15 bil for temporary repairs to protect Bien Hoa ancient citadel

03:02, 24/02/2014

(ĐN)- The Bien Hoa ancient citadel in Bien Hoa city's Quang vinh ward is historically significant for its role in the early southward thrust by the central-based Nguyen Dynasty 500 years ago and the French and American wars in the 20th century.

(ĐN)- The Bien Hoa ancient citadel in Bien Hoa city’s Quang vinh ward is historically significant for its role in the early southward thrust by the central-based Nguyen Dynasty 500 years ago and the French and American wars in the 20th century.

The Bien Hoa ancient citadel facing collapse

However, the 10,816-square-meter citadel has become so dilapidated it could collapse at any time without funding for preservation.

The 10,816-square-meter citadel has two large buildings and two blockhouses left inside its outer walls, but all of them badly damaged.

Tran Quang Toai, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism stressed that statement at the meeting to discuss the plan to restore the ancient citadel.

Despite of the high cost for the restoration of the whole citadel, the department will petition the people’s committee to allocate VND15 billion for temporary repairs to protect it against leaks and flooding.

Originally built of earth in the 14-15th century, it was rebuilt with bricks in 1837.

The 10,816-square-meter citadel has two large buildings and two blockhouses left inside its outer walls.

The citadel was recognized as a provincial historical heritage in 2008. In 2013, Bien Hoa ancient citadel was listed as national cultural heritage.

Reported by V.T