Loans for import-export activities reach over VND42 tril

10:05, 02/05/2023

(ĐN)-  Dong Nai-based credit organizations provided loans of more than VN42 trillion to import-export activities as of April-end, increased some 2.3% over early 2023.


(ĐN)-  Dong Nai-based credit organizations provided loans of more than VN42 trillion to import-export activities as of April-end, increased some 2.3% over early 2023.

Loans for import-export companies accounted of over 12 percent of total outstanding loans. Accordingly, outstanding loans for export reached over VND24 trillion, reported Dong Nai Branch of State Bank.

Most of local enterprises used the loans to import materials for production and buy new machines and equipments to increase productivity.

Reported by H.H