Dong Nai's exports reaches over $6.9b in 4 months

10:05, 02/05/2023

(ĐN) - Dong Nai exported goods worth more than US$6.9 billion in the first four months of 2023, , according to the provincial Department of Statistics.


(ĐN) - Dong Nai exported goods worth more than US$6.9 billion in the first four months of 2023, , according to the provincial Department of Statistics.

In April alone, exports brought in over US$2 billion to the province, up 11.8% compared to the previous month.

Exports with strong growth include cashew nuts, up 9.6%, coffee (6.5%), rubber (15.7%), wooden products (11.4%), garment and textile (14.6%), footwear (9.4%).

Over the past time, the provicial Department of Industry and Trade has made efforts to support enteprises to participate in international fairs to seek new markets.

Reported by V.T