Dong Nai seeks to attract Indian businesses

11:05, 28/05/2023

Multiple Indian businesses have visited Dong Nai Province to sound out business opportunities there.


Multiple Indian businesses have visited Dong Nai Province to sound out business opportunities there.

The Indian – Vietnam Business Cooperation held by the Consulate General of India on May 23 – PHOTO: MINH ANH
The Indian – Vietnam Business Cooperation held by the Consulate General of India on May 23 – PHOTO: MINH ANH

On May 23, at the Indian – Vietnam Business Cooperation event, an Indian delegation of 10 businesses in logistics, construction materials, electrical and medical equipment manufacturing, information technology and farm produce processing met and discussed with Vietnamese businesses on business cooperation.

Vice Director of the Dong Nai Department of Industry and Trade Doan Thi Ngoc Van said that in recent years, the province had enjoyed a trade surplus with India, with exports to this market mainly being plastic raw materials, cord fabrics, machinery, equipment and textiles.

Dong Nai also showed interest in investment sectors where India has an advantage, such as information technology, biotechnology, education and healthcare.

Van said that the two sides would have lots of opportunities for business cooperation in the future and expected better business networking between Dong Nai Province and Indian businesses in the years to come.
