Dong Nai Province speeds up industrial development

04:05, 31/05/2023

Industry promotion is expected to significantly help the southeastern province of Dong Nai reach an estimated rural industrial production value of VND77.359 trillion in 2023, a 5.4 percent increase against 2022.


Industry promotion is expected to significantly help the southeastern province of Dong Nai reach an estimated rural industrial production value of VND77.359 trillion in 2023, a 5.4 percent increase against 2022.

The Industry Promotion Center of Dong Nai Province has accomplished its tasks in the first quarter of 2023 and is realizing its plans for the second quarter of the year.

The center has reviewed the needs and conditions for enjoying industry promotion policies of rural industrial establishments in order to prepare 2023 industry promotion projects, including projects funded by the provincial industry promotion budget. It has also been holding events to honor outstanding rural industrial products, present awards to brilliant artisans, workers and craft developers while maintaining showrooms of provincial rural industrial and OCOP (One Commune One Product) products, and stimulating industry promotion projects.

With detailed plans and flexible solutions to problems, Dong Nai’s industry promotion sector has been doing a good job with highly efficient performance. Industry promotion projects have helped rural industrial establishments in the province reach increasingly stable production, expand production and trading activities, and contribute to the province’s rural industrial development.

2023 is an important year when the province will accelerate industry promotion projects in order to reach the 2021-2025 targets. Dong Nai is focusing on supporting the development of rural industrial establishments with competitive advantages and potential for domestic market and export development, including those in the fields of textiles and garment, leather and footwear, farm produce and food processing, household wood furniture, and traditional fine art and handicraft production. The industry promotion sector has helped mobilize all possible resources from every economic sector to develop rural industrial and handicraft production, aiming at creating more jobs, providing stable incomes for laborers, and minimizing environmental pollution.

This year, the Industry Promotion Center of Dong Nai Province is expected to directly support 30 rural industrial establishments and indirectly support 300 leaders, managers and workers of rural industrial establishments. It has set a goal for Dong Nai to have five and 20 products to be certified as national-level and provincial-level outstanding rural industrial products, respectively.
