Dong Nai seeks extension of Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien metro railway

03:09, 19/09/2022

Dong Nai Province Department of Transportation has requested the Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien metro railway be extended to Biên Hoa 1 Industrial Park.


Dong Nai Province Department of Transportation has requested the Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien metro railway be extended to Biên Hoa 1 Industrial Park.

Biên Hòa 1 Industrial Compound is in the process of changing its function. — Photo:
Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Compound is in the process of changing its function. — Photo:

The department has asked the Dong Nai People’s Committee to propose to the Prime Minister an extension of Ben Thanh - Suoi Tien railway all the way to Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Park in Bien Hoa City's An Binh Ward.

The metro railway was originally set to run from Suoi Tien Water Park HCM City's Thu Duc City to Sat Market Junction in Bien Hoa City's Tan Bien Ward.

Department officials said that if the metro line is extended to Biên Hòa 1 Industrial Park, it would mean that the line would connect to Bien Hoa city centre, thus improving the province's connectivity with HCM City.

The change also fits into the land development plan of the province.

Bien Hoa 1 Industrial Park is in the process of changing its function from industrial land to urban - commercial - service land.

The 300 hectares of the park will be divided into two parts. One part is used to build the provincial administrative centre and the other is to develop an urban - commercial - service area. 
