51 PUCs in Việt Nam eligible for shipment of durian to China

04:09, 11/09/2022

A total of 51 Production Unit Codes (PUCs) and 25 Pack House Codes (PHCs) in Viet Nam have been recognised as eligible for export of fresh durian to China, according to the Việt Nam Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (SPS Viet Nam).


A total of 51 Production Unit Codes (PUCs) and 25 Pack House Codes (PHCs) in Viet Nam have been recognised as eligible for export of fresh durian to China, according to the Việt Nam Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (SPS Viet Nam).

A total of 51 Production Unit Codes (PUCs) and 25 Pack House Codes (PHCs) in Viet Nam have been recognised as eligible for export of fresh durian to China, according to the Việt Nam Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (SPS Viet Nam).
A total of 51 Production Unit Codes (PUCs) and 25 Pack House Codes (PHCs) in Viet Nam have been recognised as eligible for export of fresh durian to China, according to the Việt Nam Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Notification Authority and Enquiry Point (SPS Viet Nam).

A majority of the PUCs come from the Central Highlands province of Đắk Lắk (23), followed by Đồng Nai (7), Bình Phước (5), Tiền Giang (3).

Bến Tre, Long An, Bình Thuận, Khánh Hòa and Kon Tum each have two, and Đồng Tháp, Lâm Đồng and Tây Ninh, one.

The Mekong Delta province of Tiền Giang has most PHCs (10), followed by Đắk Lắk (4), Bến Tre and Đồng Nai (3) and Lâm Đồng (2). Đồng Tháp, Khánh Hòa and Hải Dương each have one.

Under a protocol inked between Việt Nam and China, the Chinese side reviews how Vietnamese durian exporters observe its provisions before trading starts.

To hasten the registration of production units and pack houses from Việt Nam, China’s General Administration of Customs allowed the PUC and PHC reviews to be conducted via live videos from July 15 – September 4.

A total of 126 PUCs and 44 PHCs were reviewed during the period. 
