VND948 bil spent to store up goods for Tet

10:01, 13/01/2014

(ĐN)- 31 businesses have participated in the province's price stabilization program and stored up essential commodities for the upcoming Tet (Lunar New Year) festival.

(ĐN)- 31 businesses have participated in the province’s price stabilization program and stored up essential commodities for the upcoming Tet (Lunar New Year) festival.

Participants in the program will benefit from preferential loans totaling nearly VND30 billion with zero interest rates.

In addition, local producers and distributors have spent more than VND948 billion to store up essential goods including foodstuffs, beer, soft drinks, petrol, etc for the upcoming Tet holiday

Accordingly, Bien Hoa city-based Big C, Coop Mart, Vinatex and Lotte supermarkets have spent a combine nearly VND300 billion for goods storage plans to meet customer demands.

Other major companies that supply goods to the market like Dong Nai Petrol Company, Bien Hoa Sugar Co and C.P Vietnam have also put their goods in stock to meet the local demand during the Tet holidays.

Reported by B.N