Japanese businesses keen to invest in Vietnam

08:11, 14/11/2013

A seminar themed "M&A in Vietnam: Investment Attraction from Japan" was held in Tokyo on November 12.

A seminar themed “M&A in Vietnam: Investment Attraction from Japan” was held in Tokyo on November 12.

This was part of activities to mark the 40th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan friendship, and encourage Japanese busineses to invest in Vietnam in the form of Merger and Acqusition (M&A) as well as Vietnamese businesses to select strategic partners.

Japan’s Former Prime Minister Fukuda said that Vietnam-Japan relations have developed strongly and stably in the form of people-to-people exchange.

He expressed his belief in Vietnam’s fast economic growth in the future and prospects for closer economic cooperation between the two countries.

He emphasized Vietnam’s advantages including geographical location, hardworking labour force, and improved infrastructure.

Vietnamese ambassador to Japan said that the Vietnamees Government will create favourable conditions for Japanese businesses to invest in Vietnam in the form of M&A.

Many Japanese businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises are interested in investing in Vietnam after the Vietnamese Government unveiled an industrial strategy with six priority areas needing Japanese support.
