Another 95 poor households participate in agricultural insurance

09:11, 08/11/2013

(ĐN)- Since the beginning this year, 95 poor households in Dong Nai have participated in pilot program on agricultural insurance, reported the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

(ĐN)- Since the beginning this year, 95 poor households in Dong Nai have participated in pilot program on agricultural insurance, reported the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Accordingly, these households have bought insurance for 800 pigs, cows and chickens.

So far, 442 poor households have participated in the program.

Dong Nai is one of nine provinces nationwide selected to participate in livestock and poultry insurance.

The breeding of cows, buffalos, pigs, chickens and ducks are insured in the province. Three districts of Xuan Loc, Dinh Quan and Tan Phu have been chosen to run the pilot program.

The State funds 100 percent of the insurance premium for those living below the poverty line, 80 percent for poor households and 60 percent for households with an average income.

Production units buying agricultural insurance are reimbursed 20 percent of the amount by the insurance company, under the plan.

The pilot programme on agricultural insurance for the 2011-2013 period aims to help farmers cope with the consequences of natural disasters and epidemics.

Reported by K.M