High-quality goods fair opens in Dong Nai

04:08, 30/08/2013

 (ĐN) – The 2013 High-Quality Vietnamese Goods Fair kicked off in Dong Nai province’s Conference Centre on August 29 with 350 booths showcasing products from 120 businesses.


 (ĐN) – The 2013 High-Quality Vietnamese Goods Fair kicked off in Dong Nai province’s Conference Centre on August 29 with 350 booths showcasing products from 120 businesses. The event was attended by Vice Chairman Tran Minh Phuc of the provincial People’s Committee.

Lễ khai mạc hội chợ hàng Việt Nam chất lượng cao 2013
High-Quality Vietnamese Goods Fair kicked off in Dong Nai yesterday


Many products are sold at discounts of up to 50 percent at the fair. On this occasion, a conference was also organized to discuss the development of enterprises and traditional markets.

Reported by L.Q