State budget collection up 4%

07:12, 05/12/2011

(ĐN)- Vinh Cuu district’s total budget collection is estimated at more than VND136 billion in 2011, up 4% of the whole year’s estimates.

(ĐN)- State budget collection and spending in Vinh Cuu district showed encouraging results in 2011, according to the report.

Vinh Cuu district’s total budget collection is estimated at more than VND136 billion in 2011, up 4% of the whole year’s estimates.

Particularly, the collection from non state-owned enterprises reached nearly VND69 billion, equal to 84% of estimates, while that from personal income and land use taxes were VND10 billion and VDN25 billion respectively, fulfilling more than 95% and nearly 114% of estimates.

This year, Vinh Cuu spent approximately VND310 billion from the local budget, of which regular spending was VND216 billion, investment and development spending was VND86.5 billion.

Reported by L.T